This coproduced short film based on Iva Šebestová’s successful series Mimi&Lisa is being made in Slovakia and Prague. The scriptwriters are Katarína Kerekešová, Iva Šebestová and Katarína Moláková. The producer of the project is Katarína Kerekešová with the company Fool Moon (Slovakia). The project received support from the Czech State Cinematography Fund and will be released in Czech cinemas in pre-Christmas this year.
Coproducer Martin Vandas says about the film: “The Mystery of the Chistmas Light is our first opportunity for joint coproduction with Katarina, we had talked about it many times before but for various reasons our plans never worked out. Involving Anna Vášová in the project helped because both of us work with Anna on other projects and we are bound by personal friendship, mutual respect and trust. Another reason why things finally worked out is that while the Slovak Audiovisual Fund also supports non-cinematographic projects, it isn’t so in the Czech Republic. And thanks to a special distribution strategy for the special Mimi&Lisa we hope to fulfil all conditions. We plan to release the film alongside chosen episodes from the series.”
More about the project HERE.