The sixth edition of Visegrad Animation Forum, a key industry meeting for animation professionals took place in Třeboň, Czech Republic on May 1-3, 2018. In addition to the two traditional categories of Pitching Competition of Short Films and Series/TV Specials, there was a brand new element at the event – the historically first Pitching Competition of Feature Films.

The VAF Třeboň programme traditionally involves a pitching competition for the categories of short films and series/TV specials in development. This year’s novelty is the competition of feature films that are also still in the development stage, organized together with Anifilm and CEE Animation. The audience was presented with six projects from the Eastern and Central European region. The international jury was made up of respected film experts Marc Bonny (Gebeka Films), Moe Honan (Moetion Films), Manuela Lumb (independent producer), Manon Messiant (Sacrebleu Productions), Barbara Slade (lector and writer) and Dario van Vree (Studio Pupil).

The winner is the co-production feature film Of Unwanted Things and PeopleThe project is the joint work of a team of successful producers that includes Martin Vandas (MAUR film, CZ), Juraj Krasnohorský (Artichoke, SK), Kolja Saksida (ZVVIKS, Sl) and Wojtek Leszczynski (WJT, PL), which confirms the strength of cooperation between CEE countries. The direction was in the hands of four successful authors – David Súkup (CZ), Ivana Laučíková (SK), Leon Vidmar (SI), and Agata Gorządek (PL). “We feel the project has a high level of production and is ready to be shared at Cartoon Movie. We also believe the producers can bring the project to the next level by focusing on the development of the feature film genre and working with their future partners,” the jury explained. The winning project advances directly to the prestigious Cartoon Movie 2019. The jury’s decision has been confirmed by the voice of the audience as well, as the project Of Unwanted Things and People also won the Nespresso Audience Award.